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From Market Research to Mystery Tales: The Author Behind Lucy Ferrars Detective
Chris Corbett

A Jane Austen Devotee, Author Chris Corbett's Literary Journey

Chris Corbett is a history graduate recently retired after a lifetime in Market Research and Distribution his devotion to Jane Austen inspired him to write the 'Lucy' adventures! He is also the published author of 'Marguerite' a biography of Queen Margaret of Anjou and 'Vixen of the Brigantes' a historical novel set in Roman Britain. Other interests are football gardening astronomy and his black cat 'Elinor Lucy'! 

Chris's choice of naming his black cat 'Elinor Lucy' is a hat tip to his two favourite characters from the Jane Austen novel "Sense and Sensibility." Elinor Dashwood and Lucy Steele, prominent figures in Austen's narrative, seem to have left a lasting impact on Chris, influencing even the naming of his feline companion.


This personalised touch not only reflects Chris's deep connection to literature but also adds a charming layer to his everyday life, where the fictional world of Austen seamlessly intertwines with the reality of his affectionate pet. 'Elinor Lucy' becomes not just a cat but a living homage to the beloved characters who have left an indelible mark on Chris's literary journey.

Purchase Chris Corbett's novels today!

All books in the Lucy Ferrars Detective series (including basic p&p) - £12

Cheques - made payable to Mr C Corbett

Connect with Chris Corbett

Do you have burning questions about Lucy Ferrars Detective or want to delve into the mind behind the mysteries? Connect with Chris Corbett using the contact form below. Your inquiries, comments, or literary musings are more than welcome.

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